Irina Egorova, Saint Petersburg, Russia

The session of hypnotherapy with Lily was very deep and profound experience for me, my body went into such an amazing deep relaxation and at the same time my consciousness expanded and was everywhere at the same time, the answers to my questions I had written before the session became so obvious and it was even irrelevant – I could feel that in that state of immense Love and Peace I can choose how to see “the problem”, it wasn’t a problem anymore, my perception shifted and it started to make so much sense ! It helped me tremendously and now I approach difficulties if they arise in my life by simply remembering that state and seeing it from that perspective:) I know that I am Love and Peace and don’t take life challenges so serious any more 🙂 I’m very grateful to Lily for that turning point experience from the session, very, very beautiful and profound:)

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