I help:

  • Find your purpose
  • Find unconditional love
  • Redefine your obstacles into opportunities
  • Heal relationships
  • Get support of your family lineage
  • Make amends with difficult or inaccessible people in your life
  • Liberate suppressed emotions
  • Consciously uncouple
  • Remember and heal your birth
  • Learn to listen to the wisdom of your body
  • Post-awakening integration


Often you will receive a profound insight in only 1 session. Yet it’s a different story to build a new life around New You.

That’s why series of sessions with coaching calls and support with homework (yes, you will have to do homework) is indispensable.

Contact me for options.

My work is based on somatic, spiritual, mental and emotional awareness.

  • Spiritual Awareness. Experientially reconnecting with Self as eternal conscious presence. And building life around that.
  • Mental Awareness. Cultivating the split between the awareness of thinking and the content of thinking. Which leads to de-identification with the mind.
  • Emotional Awareness. Welcoming and consciously applying the energy of all emotions instead of suppressing, bypassing or discharging them.
  • Somatic Awareness. Full presence in the physical body. Cultivating receptivity to listen to it’s wisdom.

What is Hypnotherapy

About me

I am a Moscow State University accredited coach and hypnotherapist with 15 years of regular meditation practice. I believe that bridging traditional therapeutic modalities with a spiritual practice is the future of mental health professionals. Self-inquiry, as reconnecting with our innate nature, is the center of my work.

Learn More About Me Here


Shawna, Colorado USA

I am working with Liliya on my personal journey with releasing my addictive relationship with nicotine and I highly recommend her offerings!!! I was able to identify my base cause of addiction, …

Schedule a session with me

Let’s Stay in Touch

Instagram: @beyondliliya